Monday, January 16, 2012

Predictions for a new year

A new year, some new plans.  I don't want a new me (I kind of like the current me) but am open to opportunities for improvement and growth. A family I worked for right after college made new year's "predictions" instead of resolutions and did this together as a family.  I liked this idea so much that I did it for a number of years.  I kept the predictions in my journal and then at the end of the year reflected on them.  The first year I did predictions (the year I worked for the people who introduced me to the idea), one of my predictions was something to the effect that "I predict I will not be working here anymore" and then made that come true.  Predictions work as goals, dreams, plans and inspirations.  They are strong "I will" statements.  I am going to try them out again. 

Some of my favorites from past years: I will learn to knit a Norwegian sweater. (I not only learned how but made 2 of them that year and another a few years later). 
I will keep in touch better with people she cares about and forget those who cause pain and emotional drain.
I will be more outgoing and ask out more interesting men. (Took a couple years but finally met and asked out my favorite one!)
I will control my finances better, save more, and spend less at Target.  (Makes me laugh, this one.  Especially when Target's tagline became "save more, spend less" or whatever it is.  And I still need to spend less at Target...)

This year's predictions:
Reading: I will read at least 3 books each month, a combination of challenging/though-provoking books, comforting re-reads of old favorites, and as-of-yet undiscovered new favorites.

Eating:  I will make at least one new recipe each month to expand my menu options, enhance my culinary skills, and explore new techniques and cuisines.
Creating: I will make Christmas gifts.  (This will involve gifts for at least 10 people and since what I am thinking of doing involves 2 for each one, I best get started on this prediction soon!  Also included in this prediction is "I will spend more time knitting.")
I will learn to play the bass.

I will spend more time scrapbooking.  (The March retreat weekend is already planned.  I predict at least 4 other dedicated days of scrapping throughout the year will occur, with family and with friends, at my house and at Archivers or other locations.)

I will write more often, to include this blog, my journal and free-writing exercises. 

Weeding: I will plan, plant, nurture and grow 2 raised vegetable beds.

I will participate in at least one plant swap.

I will plan the "stump garden".

I will start and continue my garden journal.

Travel : I will visit at least one city I have never been to before. 

I will spend at least one night in the Hermitage cabin at Amnicon.

That is probably enough sharing of my predictions.  What are some of yours?

1 comment:

Mom said...

One of mine involves the hermitage as well! I did the same thing only not as detailed as yours. May have to rewrite them to reflect a more positive statement. Thanks for sharing!

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